Critical Care Building Opening November 6

You will be invited to a special sneak preview for community providers on September 24. Save the date and watch for your invitation.

This world-class facility will enhance our ability to provide the best medical care and experience for our most vulnerable patients and their families. From the beginning, we included them in planning and development of the building through:

· Focus groups.

· Building plan reviews.

· Design reviews using mock spaces made of foam blocks to ensure we were meeting their needs.

· A CCB-focused Patient and Family Advisory Council.


Their input directly informed how we developed:

·  Patient and family support spaces more than 20 percent larger than the peer hospital median.

· The only emergency department with a dedicated lab for clinical and translational research.

· The first medical building with spectral lighting, which will improve health outcomes in NICU patients.


Delivering a better experience enables our staff to focus on providing outstanding care in our new world-class facility, and that helps ensure the best outcomes for your patients and families.

Please send specific questions or topics that you would like to see addressed to Ellen Georgilis at

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